English Blog !

English Blog !

Friday, February 5, 2010

She is a teacher we could forgive but never forget. After the shock that she gave us, my classmates and I just could not believe that such thing would happen. After all, we just could not believe that she did that to us. Miss Wong is our school best Math teacher. She is a very humble, joyful and bubbly teacher. When she is teaching us, there is always laughter, at the same time developing our learning skill. She never fails to make us laugh when we got scolded by some other teachers.

We did not know her true color, when one day we finally know that the teacher we always respect is not what she shows on the surface. It happen when, our class were having Physical Education period. We place our bags at the usual place which is outside the library and we headed off to run around the school. After running, we played netball and badminton when we were having a fun time one of our classmates, Chanel, suddenly wail out loud.

Chanel exclaimed, “I lost my phone and wallet!”

“Who could’ve stolen it!” shouted everyone agitatedly.

Everyone got so paranoid that they rush to check if their belonging were there, luckily beside Chanel, no one else got their belonging stolen.

Chanel is one of our richest classmates, so from this all of us conclude that it must be one of our classmates who did it. Soon after Physical Education, it was Math period. Everyone was very worry for Chanel so no one have the mood to study.

However Miss Wong responded calmly, trying to calm us down, “Everyone stays relax, I’ll find out who’s the culprit, I promise.”

Two days has pass, when suddenly Miss Wong said she found out who is the culprit and it was none other than Gabriel, our class poorest boy. Everyone was in a shock but everyone knows that it could not be him. It was when another teacher told us that Miss Wong was the culprit and she pushes the blame to Gabriel. That was when we know that, the perfect teacher we used to recognize was not that perfect.



At February 8, 2010 at 9:58 PM , Blogger Angela Tan said...

I like your intro - person + suspense start. Improve on content as it lacks realism. Edit for Shift in Tense.


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